Do you know how big the weight loss industry is? Well, it is a billion dollar industry and most people especially those businessmen wants to take their fair share of the pie.
The most profitable area of this industry is the weight loss supplements market, followed by fitness products and equipment.
And I am not yet talking about prescription drugs here such as the generic Phentermine brand, but only those that are considered “supplements”.
With this in mind, many people want to take advantage of this business. Even you can sell your own diet pill with a formula that you can buy in Amazon.
Only thing you need to do is to get a catchy brand name, and you can instantly distribute it online via your website designing skills! And viola! You have your own diet pill.
This is the exact reason why diet supplements are abundant online. So to ensure that you won’t get the fake one, you need to know how to spot them at first glance.
So without further ado, here are some ways on how you can avoid scam supplements online.
Missing Contact Information
The most common sign of a scam product is having no contact information. As you know, this is an important aspect of e-Commerce and if a brand doesn’t have one, it is a red flag for you.
Remember that it’s not exactly the same with having no website. Product that don’t have their own website doesn’t necessarily mean scam as some brands (especially the “old” ones) truly don’t have websites.
So a diet supplement without contact information could mean that they are hiding something fishy. Either they don’t to be contacted for inquiries or complaints, or they are just avoiding refunds.
Either way, missing contact information should be on the top of your list when shopping for a supplement online.
Unverified Testimonials
First off, testimonials are difficult to distinguish whether they are true or just invented. But there are certain ways on verifying if a particular testimonial or review is authentic or just hoax.
First, you need to check the photos if it’s from stock photo sharing sites such as shutterstock.
Most diet models used by supplement manufacturers can easily be distinguished by just using a simple Google query.
These models are paid to help uplift diet supplement brands and most of them do have online profiles.
With regards to a success story type of testimonial, what you can do is to just research the name of the individual. If you found her social media profiles, then the probability of it being fake is quite slim.
Why? Searching for people these days is not that difficult. You can either look for them in Facebook, Twitter or LinkdIn, or you can use search engines that specifically locates people worldwide.
Once you verified a particular sucess story individual from its social media profiles, you know that they are telling the truth. But if you cannot find them online, then they are likely fake.
Lastly, if you are looking for video testimonials, again you just need to check if those videos are just copied on video sharing sites such as Pixabay.
Fake Review Websites
Review sites comes in handy if you are want to learn more about a particular diet supplement.
However, most review sites are built to lure you on purchasing their chosen product which is most likely an affiliate weight loss brand.
In short, they are trying hard to uplift their brand while giving other supplements lower ratings or rejected conclusions.
What makes reviews sites hard to assess is that, sometimes they are also the manufacturer of the product that they promote.
This means that supplement manufacturers don’t just make pills, they also have their own review website. This is one of the best kept secret schemes by most diet companies today.
What you can do is to examine thoroughly if the website is truly transparent or not.
Common characteristics of a fake reviews sites include questionable claims, limited content, only uplifts one particular brand and many others.
Free Trials
Free trial offers are tempting and a sure way to get people notice a particular brand. Scammers use free trial offers to lure customers on believing that their brand is legit.
For example, free trials asks for your financial details such as credit card or Paypal information. Though “Free”, you are already “Subscribed” to the scammer’s monthly diet pill supply without your approval.
The result? Your credit card or Paypal receives unwanted online purchases and most of the time, these products are highly expensive.
No Money Back Guarantee
If a supplement company don’t offer money back guarantee, then the chances of their brand being hoax or fake is high.
An honest company that sells supplements are highly confident with their products, hence they offer a guarantee. Some even have 60 to 200 days money back guarantee, such as PhenGold.
Is PhenGold a Hoax Supplement?
A big NO!
PhenGold is a supplement that is built from scientific research, clinically proven, tested and confidence!
The company profile of PhenGold is publicised at their website including a contact information page.
Their customer testimonials are true and comes from real people. PhenGold doesn’t offer any free trial schemes.
And above all, PhenGold gives you a full 60-day money back guarantee!
Still doubtful? Click the link below and learn more about this supplement.
Image Credits:
This weight loss product helped thousands of dieters lose weight naturally, effectively and fast. It contains more slimming agents compared to other brands. Learn why PhenGold is one of the best diet pills in the market today and why it’s perfect for your weight loss program.
- Natural slimming ingredients
- Elevates your energy and metabolism
- Reduces food cravings
- Helps you lose weight in key areas
- No side effects
- Money-back guarantee
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