Want to bulk up easily and naturally? If this sounds like you, then this food list is the only information you need to gain serious muscles mass!
Previously, I wrote a post regarding the Best Foods for Fat Loss and the Worst Foods for Fat Loss. This post will focus on the best foods that you can add to your diet for easy weight gain.
So without further ado, here are the best foods to build muscle easily and gain weight faster.

I’m sure you know that milk is essential for strong bones and lasting energy, and that’s because it’s full of calcium, proteins, carbs and fats that your body needs.
According to experts, drinking skim milk right after workouts helps build muscle mass more effectively than any soy protein drinks.
And if you don’t exercise, experts suggest that you drink your regular glass of milk with your meals to get the same effect.
Dark Chocolate
Do you see this coming? This one is for those with a sweet tooth. Yes, this bitter chocolate can help you get toned and fit.
The thing is, dark chocolate with a cocoa content of an at least 70% is the ultimate source of antioxidants (theobromine) that can help boost your health and exercise performance.
Whole grain oats or simply known as oatmeal, is a complex, slow-digesting carb that will provide you with long-lasting energy.
There are three types of oatmeal – rolled oats, steel cuts and quick oats. The best type of oatmeal for bodybuilding is steel cut oats. Why?
Steel cut oats are the least processed, slowest burning and has lowest insulin raising effects. All of these properties are truly beneficial for bodybuilders and athletes.
The top dog of healthy fat, avocado is super nutritious and has powerful health benefits that can help you on your way to enviable muscle mass.
Plus, avocado is downright delicious! And as an added bonus, this fruit doesn’t even have that many calories, just enough to gain a healthy amount of weight.
So don’t forget to add some avocado to your salad and sandwiches as it will give you fast and visible results!
Red Meat
This particular food has pretty much of everything you can ask for when it comes to putting on weight and building muscle.
First off, red meat is packed with amino acids leucine and creatine, two powerful compounds for muscle stimulation and new tissue formation.
It is also loaded with both protein and fat, an awesome combo that is not that easy to come by.
One important reminder though, eating too much red meat can wreck havoc in your system so moderation is key!
Beef Jerky
The best protein-packed snack on-the-go, beef jerky. How is it so essential for your muscle-building program you ask?
Most of the back is removed while making jerky which means that you are only getting calories from the protein in the meat.
But take note, make sure that your beef jerky is naturally prepared and great quality. This means absolutely no preservatives and less salt content.
Experts suggest that lentils are the secret weapon if you want to gain weight fast.
Brown, green and red lentils can instantly stabilize your blood sugar levels while enriching your body with long-lasting energy you need during workouts.
So choose your ideal lentils and add them to other foods that you like and it will surely support your bodybuilding program.
Oily Fish
Salmons and tunas provides your body with high quality protein and healthy fats such as omega-3-fatty acids, that not only help you bulk-up but naturally benefits your overall health.
The best way to go is to combine oily fish to your daily dose of rice and vegetables for a hearty and nutritious meal.
This fruit won’t just help keep your doctor away. By choosing apple over sweets, they will also keep your fat away and make you bigger and stronger.
Apple contain antioxidants called polyphenols which are proven to help improve post-exercise strength recovery, muscle strength, endurance and lessens muscle soreness.
What makes apple as your ideal bodybuilding food is that, it helps increase the amount of fat your body burns.
Chicken Breast
Another great source of protein! A 3-ounce serving of chicken breast gives you 27 grams of muscle-stimulating protein. It is also low in fat, making this poultry food ideal for the heart.
Like other protein sources, chicken breast is equally bioavailable and it also retains some important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, and selenium that promotes muscle growth.
According to a study, a 100 grams serving of scallops contains 20 grams of protein but just 0.5 grams of fat.
That’s a crazy amounts of protein if you ask me! That number is enough to putting on pounds of muscle mass in a short amount of time.
Whole Eggs
When it comes to healthy muscles building, eggs is one of the best foods to turn to. Most if not all, bodybuilders eat eggs to support their weight gain and muscle building program.
Whole eggs has high-quality proteins, healthy fats and potent antioxidants, making them one of the effective weight-gain foods out there.
But all these amazing benefits comes directly from the yolk. So it is important to eat at least one egg every single day.
Love shrimp? This sea creature is almost pure protein. A 3-ounce serving of shrimp contains 18 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat and zero carbs.
Okay, healthy fats and carbs are important to your overall diet and to your bodybuilding program too. Adding some shrimp to your diet is an easy way to get muscle-building protein without adding a number of calories.
Like other foods in this list, shrimp is also packed with amino acid leucine, another essential compound necessary for optimal muscle growth.
Red Rice
White rice is delicious but red rice is what you really need if you want to bulk up while improving your overall health.
Red rice is loaded with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Just 1 serving of red rice can provide your body with necessary amounts of carbs and calories while keeping it relatively low in fat.
Make it a habit to combine red rice with vegetables and protein meals and it won’t be long until your flexing your big muscles in front of the mirror!
Another reminder though, red rice also has arsenic acid and phytic acid so don’t eat this rice excessively.
Affordable, widely available, rich in protein and low in fat, beans contain around 14 grams of protein per cup and is essentially high in fiber, vitamin B, magnesium and iron.
All of these are important for supporting muscle tone and promoting a healthy appetite.
Such popular veggies include kidney beans, black and pinto. So add these into your diet and it will surely improve your muscle gains.
A good source of carbs, which means they can help you gain a healthy amount of weight pretty quickly and easily.
Chickpeas also has a decent amount of protein as well but not as much compared to other sources listed here.
But still, chickpeas can be a great garnish for the meat or fish of your choice just that you can jazz up your menu a little bit.
Another muscle-building food that is rich in carbs is quinoa, which is superior to other whole grains because it is rich in lysine, an essential amino acid.
Essential amino acids such as lysine is quite important to your health because your body doesn’t produce it on its own.
And according to experts, quinoa’s lysine content is enough to be considered as a complete protein source.
Plus, eating quinoa will help increase the levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 or simply known as IGF-1, which is critical for muscle growth.
Can be used instead of your usual flower, buckwheat provides your bones and tissues with high vitamin and mineral content – phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B and protein.
There are other health properties of buckwheat that will surely improve your overall health. This unique product helps boost the muscle building power of other plant protein sources which makes your body ripped.
Every kind of nuts, even nut betters should be included in your meal plan if you want to support your weight gain regimen.
Almonds, peanuts and many others have good calories, protein and healthy fats.
What makes nuts ideal to bodybuilders is that, it can be used as your daily on-the-go snack or simply add them to your salad and other dishes.
Dried Fruits
Speaking of snacks, dried fruits such as pineapples, cherries or apples, can do a good job of gaining you some muscle mass too.
Despite popular opinions, dried fruits don’t lost their nutrients when dried because their fiber content helps retain all their vitamins.
So instead of eating sugary snacks that can be bought out in stores, carry healthy dried fruits with you to eat in-between meals.
You can add them to your favorite protein shake or yogurt to make a great mix of healthy fat and protein your muscles will surely love.
This food contains vitamin K, iron and phosphorus, which are all important for your health but iron plays a bigger role when it comes to muscle function.
Iron helps store and transport the oxygen through your blood and muscles, which is crucial if you do muscle building exercises regularly.
Soybeans are also packed with antioxidants that can help your body recover after an intense workout session. So no more sore muscles!
Homemade Protein Shakes
If you are aiming for protein shakes that are readily available in the market, then think again! These products are packed with sugar and almost offer no nutrients at all.
It is always better to prepare your own home made protein shakes that will give your body all the vitamins it needs to gain weight and muscle.
For example, you can make the delicious chocolate banana nut shake or vanilla berry shake.
Homemade protein shakes are cheaper compared to commercial products that you can buy in stores. You also have the convenience to prepare it yourself at the comfort of your own home.
A plant-based food source packed with leucine, protein and calcium, components that are essential for proper muscle function.
According to experts, the soy protein in tofu is basically one of the best plant proteins you can find. This is the reason why you must add tofu on your muscle building diet.
This fish doesn’t contain nearly as much healthy fatty acids as salmon and oily fish do, but is has its own admirable qualities.
One of which is that, it has lots of lots of protein!
Tilapia also has high amounts of vitamins such as B12 and selenium, which both supports proper functions of your blood cells and nerves.
What all these means is that, you will be able to do even the hardest muscle building exercises ever listed, which makes every workout effective and fun.
Sweet Potatoes
You need carbs for energy to power through your workouts, make better use of protein and helps assist in the muscle repair process.
And one of the best carb sources is sweet potato.
A medium-size potato will give you 24 grams of carbs and 4 grams of fiber, aside from also being loaded with vitamins and minerals.
Bottom Line
Honorable mentions include beetroot, Greek yogurt, buckwheat, pork tenderloin, bison and brown rice.
You can also add some protein powders if you don’t eat some of the foods above. These products can give you the right amounts of protein, carbs and healthy fats, all that you need to bulk up fast.
Click here and see what protein powder brand is the best for you.
There are still numerous foods that can help you gain lean muscles naturally. Just remember to choose the ones that are loaded with protein and other nutrients which allows your muscles to recover and grow after a grueling workout.
It is also important to understand that carbohydrates and fats also plays key roles as they provide your body with fuel for exercise.
Just remember that you can’t truly gain serious and noticeable muscle mass if you don’t have any physical exercise plan. So make sure that you combine healthy diet and exercise to boost your chances of success.
Of course, it is also a good strategy for you to have a dependable diet supplement that will ensure your body will get ripped, strong and fat-free.
There are hundreds of dietary supplements that you can find in the market today but only few products can truly deliver results. One of them is PhenGold!
PhenGold is one of the most reputable, bestselling and less harmful weight loss supplements in the market today.
It works just like Phentermine but gives more benefits as it promotes metabolism and energy increase which leads to fat loss. Plus, it doesn’t trigger any Phentermine-based side effects.
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The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
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The Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Chickpeas and Hummus
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