Looking for a dependable diet supplement? What about a liquid form this time? Complex Diet Drops is marketed as one of the best in the market.
Yes, this product is one of the longest running liquid-based supplement in the industry. And it is based on the widely debated diet program – HCG Diet.
So can this product help you lose weight? Or, you still prefer the more conventional diet pills such as Phentermine?
Read this review and learn why you should switch to the more natural formula than risking your life with synthetically-made weight loss drugs.

What is Complex Diet Drops?
Complex Diet Drops is a product of BioSource Labs, a diet supplement company based in the United States. It was known as “HCG Complex” and became an instant hit among dieters until today.
Biosource Labs renamed their product from HCG Complex to Complex Diet Drops, due to FDA’s regulation of banning the use of “HCG” term on products that are not truly made of hormones.
Though the name doesn’t have the term HCG, Complex Diet Drops still offer the same ingredients and the same weight loss principles – using the HCG diet protocol.
Complex Diet Drops supplement can help you lose weight by elevating your physical performance, increases fat burning and energy, and reducing your appetite.
But the main focus of this product is its HCG diet protocol (1). You need to follow this diet plan in order to lose significant weight with Complex Diet Drops.
This supplement is within the price range of similar HCG diet supplements in the market. Every purchase comes with 500, 800 an 1200 Calorie Protocol diet support, free access to member’s area tools and 30-day return period.
Click Here to purchase Complex Diet Drops
What is HCG?
HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone found in our body after placenta implantation.
Using a pregnancy test kit, you can determine how much HCG your body has. Canceroud tumors also produce this hormone.
Curiously, HCG was first used as a weight loss aid by Dr. Simeons, which he claims that this hormone is a potent fat burner in non-pregnant individuals, including men (2).
He used HCG in his research with numerous overweight subjects and claimed to received positive results. However, he also added that one should also follow a very low calorie diet program called HCG Diet.
HCG became so popular in the weight loss industry, forcing supplement makers to produce HCG-based products. Though products that contain real HCG are now banned nowadays, you can still buy one online.
Complex Diet Drops supplement is not HCG-based supplement as it is made from natural ingredients and not hormones. But it do encourage you to follow a similar HCG Diet regimen that requires a very restrictive diet meal plan.
Complex Diet Drops Ingredients
This product offers a proprietary activation complex that has a dosage of 200mg per serving.
It is packed with amino acids glutamine, tyrosine, ornithine, typtophan, beta-alanine, arginine and carnitine.
Other agents include chromium picolinate, monoammonium glycyrrhizinate, GABA, raspberry ketones, irvingia gabonensis, coleus forskohlii root, camellia sinensis (green tea), panax ginseng, guarana extract, astragalus, gymnema sylvestre leaf, grape seed, fucoxanthin, capsicum, grapefruit seed extract and maca root.
Inactive agents include deionized water, organic citrus extract, stevia, xylitol and potassium sorbate.
Suggested use for this brand is 10 drops, 3 times per day for at least 30 minutes before meals. Hold under the tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing.
How does Complex Diet Drops Work?
People say that liquid form is much better than pill based supplements. And Complex Diet Drops may very well provide this for you due to its “complex” ingredients.
Since it is liquid, it gets absorbed by the body more quickly than conventional tablets or capsules.
This is very important especially if you want to lose weight fast or if you want instant energy during workouts.
Complex Diet Drops claims to help you lose weight by supporting its own HCG diet protocol, so you should follow this diet regimen. Plus, this drop helps you to reduce your appetite and gives metabolic boost.
The ingredients above looks so promising and truly impressive compared to other diet pills online. But the question is, can it give you significant weight loss?
Read on and lets find out more.
Amino Acids
Complex Diet Drops has several amino acids to offer – glutamine, carnitine, arginine, tryptophan, tyrosine, ornitine and beta-alanine. Perhaps the most popular amino acids on its formula is carnitine.
Carnitine is widely recognized as fat burner and energy booster, which is the reason why it is commonly found in most dietary supplements.
According to (3), obese people have lower carnitine levels compared to physically fit individuals.
The other agent that is quite proven for weight loss is glutamine. According to (4), glutamine supports weight loss in non-dieting obese female patients and may favorably enhances glucose metabolism.
Tyrosine is another amino acid that is quite known for speeding up metabolism, according to (5). But typtophan is not completely proven for weight loss though there are dieters that are using this amino acid.
Beta-alanine on the other hand, is much more beneficial for those who are in the bodybuilding circuit. This agent helps maintain intensity during rigorous training such as sprints and HIIT. It is also known to help preserve muscle mass.
Lastly, both arginine and ornithine are proven to help improve total body strength and lean body mass if combined with high intensity strength training – 6.
Mineral chromium is another common ingredient in most dietary supplement. Why?
Because it is known to boost energy levels, improve athletic performance, reduce fatigue and helps suppress appetite, particularly with regards to sugar cravings (7).
People use chromium for body conditioning such as weight loss and increasing muscle size and reducing body fat.
It is also used for treating depression, metabolic syndrome, schizophrenia, binge eating disorders, heart attack, Turner’s syndrome, high cholesterol and helps regulate blood sugar levels by improving your body’s ability to use insulin. So it is a perfect remedy for diabetes.
Green Tea
Love green tea? If yes, then you are giving yourself a big bonus when it comes to weight loss!
Green tea is from camellia sinensis plant and is packed with two main compounds – caffeine and catechins. Both of which can truly help you lose weight.
Caffeine is a substance that can help stimulate your central nervous system, elevating both your mental and physical capacity in the process.
On the other hand, catechins are antioxidants that helps your body to fend off disease-causing free radicals. Plus, antioxidants also supports weight loss as well.
According to (8), green tea can help raise your metabolism so your can burn more calories. Since it has caffeine, it can also increase your energy levels in the gym, giving you optimal performance.
Coleus Forskohlii
Like green tea and chromium, another widely used supplement today is coleus forskohlii or simply called as forskolin.
People take forskolin for various reasons but it is more often used to help aid weight loss. Such popular brand online is Forskolin 250.
Bodybuilders also use coleus forskohlii as some people believe that it can stimulate muscle growth naturally.
Though this herb looks like a hoax supplement lurking online, it is quite a proven supplement.
NCBI (9) suggests that 250mg (10% forskolin extract) twice per day, daily for 12 weeks, resulted in significant body fat loss and increase in testosterone levels in men.
People also use coleus forskohlii for treating asthma, glaucoma, heart function issues and many others.
African Mango
Scientifically known as irvingia gabonensis, African mango is another popular weight loss aid and also a perfect nutritional supplement due to its numerous medicinal properties.
People use it to help lower low-density lipoprotein or simply known as bad cholesterol, blood sugar levels and of course, helps reduce body weight.
According to a study (10) published in May 2005 by Judith Ngondi, African mango supplementation provided a big effect on body weight.
The subjects took African mango extract, three times daily for four weeks. The results showed an average weight loss of 5.26 pounds.
Though the results is not that significant, this fruit is still one of the most widely used supplement in the industry today.
Of course, using the HCG Diet protocol of Complex Diet Drops will surely compliment any ingredients in the table.
Panax Ginseng
Known as Asian or Korean ginseng, this herb is used in different cultures for both medicinal and food preparation purposes.
Like other herbs, panax ginseng is considered as a calming agent and a stimulant. Though there are no research that has proven its slimming efficacy, many people are still trying it as a weight loss aid.
Just how panax ginseng trigger weight loss?
Experts suggest (11) that panax ginseng help stimulate weight loss by affecting the way your body metabolizes carbohydrates. Some users even reported that one of the side effects of this herb is loss of appetite, which is a big advantage to dieters.
Other key benefit of panax ginseng is its ability to improve your control over blood sugar levels. Aside from that, panax ginseng can also help improve mood in people with diabetes and can help increase energy levels.
A herb found in the Guarani tribe in the Amazon, guarana supplements are abundant these days due to its alleged medicinal properties. This herb is also a close relative of theobromine and theophylline.
But guarana is used heavily as a weight loss aid due to its caffeine content. As you know, caffeine works by stimulating your central nervous system, heart and muscles, which helps elevate both mental and physical capacity.
Considered a strong stimulant, guarana is also commonly found in various energy drinks due to its powerful energy and performance enhancing effects.
Aside from improving weight loss and athletic performance, guarana also helps improve mental function, treats anxiety, fatigue, headaches, heart problems, malaria, joint pain and can help raise blood pressure level.
Guarana is also considered more powerful than caffeine when it comes to stimulating effect. So it is highly important that you consider the possibility of stimulant-based side effects when taking guarana – (12).
Gymnema Sylvestre
A woody climbing shrub native to India and Africa, gymnema sylvestre is used to produce medicinal drugs. India use it as one of Ayurveda’s key herbal agents.
Gymnema sylvestre has been known for its ability to crush sugar, which is the reason why it is beneficial for diabetes, weight loss and other health conditions that affects sugar level.
So how does gymnema sylvestre works for weight loss?
According to (13), this herb has substances that can help decrease the absorption of sugar from the intestine, while it helps increase the amount of insulin in the body and also increases the growth of cells in the pancreas.
Gymnema sylvestres is also beneficial for cough, snake bites, digestion problems, stool softening, increasing urine excretion, metabolic syndrome and helps treat malaria.
A brown seaweed, fucoxanthin is an antioxidant in the allenic carotenoid family, which has alleged physiological functions and biological properties.
Such health-enhancing properties include anti-obesity, anti-tumor, antidiabetes, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective activities.
Fucoxanthin also helps improve cardiovascular and cerebrovascular protective effects.
These health benefits means that this herb can be used as a health supplement and nutritional agent to help prevent and treat chronic diseases.
According to (14), fucoxanthin can help increase metabolism which helps boost fat burning, helps elevate physical endurance and energy levels.
Raspberry Ketones
Another popular slimming supplement, raspberry ketone is one of the most widely used herb formulated and marketed for weight loss.
Sourced from red raspberries, this fruit compound was deemed “miracle fat burner” by celebrity Doctor Oz.
According to (15), animal research showed that raspberry ketone can help increase some measures of metabolism and might also affect a hormone in the body called adiponectin.
Adiponectin works by increasing your body’s capacity to burn fat and reduce appetite.
However, these claims are not completely proven and more research are needed before raspberry ketone can be concluded as a plausible slimming agent.
Though this is the case, thousands of dieters are using raspberry ketone to help them lose weight.
Popularly known as red pepper or chili pepper, capsicum is a herb that has dozens of health benefits and it is even used to make medicines.
Capsicum fruit has a potent chemical called capsaicin, which is known to help reduce pain sensations when applied to skin. It is of course known for its “spicy” flavor.
People use capsicum for diarrhea, stomach pain, upset stomach, intestinal gas, high cholesterol, cramps, blood clotting, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, nueropathy, back pain, muscle spasms, migrain, sinusitis, eye pain and many others.
For weight loss, people suggest that capsicum can trigger metabolism increase (16), which helps your body to burn more fat.
Yes, Complex Diet Drops supplement contain grapefruit which calories are extremely low.
Like many other fruits, grapefruit has antioxidant agents – vitamin C, lycopene, naringenin and beta-carotene. Because of these antioxidants, doctors highly recommend grapefruit for cancer treatment.
The weight loss power of this fruit comes from its key enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase or simply called as AMPK.
Experts (17) suggest that AMPL activation encourages your body to produce more energy and boost metabolism, both of which promotes weight loss.
My Take on Complex Diet Drops
As you can see from its formula above, Complex Diet Drops has an impressive set of ingredients that can really help boost your body’s weight loss potential.
These ingredients are not just beneficial for weight loss, but it can also promote other health benefits as well.
Complex Diet Drops is also one of the most reputable “HCG” based diet supplement in the market (though it doesn’t contain any hormone).
Its positive reviews and high ratings online makes this product very competitive.
But its weight loss potential doesn’t just come from its formula, the main reason is its low calorie diet regimen called HCG diet protocol.
If you follow this type of diet plan, you certainly going to lose significant weight. Still, every purchase of Complex Diet Drops comes with complete diet support, so it is an added benefit for you.
The price is also quite competitive compared to other diet supplements in the market, especially those claiming to have hormones.
But Complex Diet Drops offers a safer formula as it doesn’t have HCG but only natural ingredients (as listed above). You only have to make sure that the HCG diet protocol is safe for you.
If you aren’t sure about HCG diet protocol, then you may ask more information about this diet plan directly from BioSource Labs, or by consulting your doctor.
Complex Diet Drops also comes with a money back guarantee!
Interested? Are you satisfied with this Complex Diet Drops review? If yes, then click the link below to purchase.
Click Here to purchase Complex Diet Drops

Things to Consider
Complex Diet Drops is a liquid diet supplement that can truly help your weight loss program. It offers a whole array of ingredients that are all known for weight loss.
But there are some minor things that you should consider first before buying this brand.
First is its caffeine content.
Though this product has no pure caffeine, it does have agents that contain high caffeine content such as guarana and camellia sinensis (green tea).
So if you are highly allergic to caffeine, better ask your doctor first before using Complex Diet Drops.
Second is its very restrictive diet program.
VLCD or very low calorie diet programs such as HCG Diet, are not for everyone especially to beginners.
A restrictive calorie diet can inflict minor to permanent health damage especially if wrongfully followed (18). You need to ask a diet expert or your doctor about this diet before starting.
Third is the price. Though the price is reasonable, there are numerous brands online that are less expensive than this one.
How does Complex Diet Drops Compare with other Phen Supplements?
Complex Diet Drops actually is a bit different from Phen-alternative supplements though they function similarly.
For example, Complex Diet Drops promotes appetite reduction, metabolism boost and fat burning. Some Phen-alternative supplements offer similar benefits.
But the main difference is that, Complex Diet Drops is in liquid form, and you will be hard pressed if you can find a Phen-alternative supplement that is in liquid form.
So for me, it is just a matter of preference. Complex Diet Drops is quite an impressive brand that offers a good formula and some freebies such as diet support.
Not all Phen-alternative supplements offer diet support but most of them are well-formulated as well for weight loss.
Do I recommend this brand for your weight loss program? A big Yes!
Of course this site is all about Phen-alternative supplements and I highly promote PhenGold here, which is the product that helped me lost a lot of weight.
PhenGold is a diet supplement and a perfect alternative to prescription drug Phentermine.
Read our review of PhenGold and see if this product is ideal for you.

Based on this Complex Diet Drops review, the facts above truly shows that this brand is one of the best out there but I believe that it can help you lose weight fast. Just make sure that you follow that HCG diet protocol, otherwise you may not get the exact result that you wanted with this brand.
Buying two or more bottles will give you more additional bottles which is cool these days where most diet manufacturers just want you to spend more.
I highly recommend this product for you. But of course, consider the things that I said above and you’ll be okay.
Otherwise, if you like a proven diet supplement, check out PhenGold first and then decide whether this Phen-alternative diet pill can help you lose weight or not.
Click the link below and learn more.
This weight loss product has helped thousands of dieters to lose weight naturally, effectively and fast. It contains more slimming agents compared to other brands. Learn why PhenGold is one of the best diet pills in the market today and why it’s perfect for your weight loss program.
- Natural slimming ingredients
- Elevates your energy and metabolism
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- Helps you lose weight in key areas
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