There are hundreds, if not thousands of health supplements in the market today. And you might be thinking that most or all of them are beneficial to your overall health.
Why not? They are after all, “health supplements” right? Well, that is not always the case!
There are many dangerous or even deadly dietary supplements out there that are readily available for purchase in health stores and of course on the Internet.
Some of these supplements are already banned in some countries due to confirmed cases of mild to serious adverse health effects.
And you also need to worry that some “good supplements” also have toxic substances inside their formulas.
Reported Causes of Taking these Deadly Supplements
Most of the following supplements that made this list are marketed for various uses – weight loss, bodybuilding, energy boost, anti-stress, nootropics, antioxidants and many others.
These supplements are proven to cause or increase your risk of the following diseases:
- Cancers
- Liver damage
- Kidney damage
- Heart issues
- Respiratory problems
- Death
Minor side effects include short breathing, nausea, fever, sleeplessness, dizziness, headache, excessive weight loss and many others.
As such, it is highly important that you truly know your supplements.
I will divide the list into two parts – deadly supplements and dangerous supplements.
Deadly supplements are those proven to cause harmful effects to the body. Dangerous supplements on the other hand, are supplements that cause mild to serious symptoms and have theoretical risks.
Deadly Supplements
The supplements in this list are known to cause cancers, liver and kidney failure, lowers good cholesterol and many others.
Aristolochic Acid
Aristolochic acid are group of acids that occurs naturally in various plants known as Aristolochia and some Asarum plants.
And yes, these plants are widely used as herbal supplements intended to treat various symptoms and diseases such as arthritis, gout and inflammation. It is often marketed as “traditional medicines“.
Aristolochic acid-based plants include wild ginger, serpentary, sangrel, snakeweed, birthwort, snakeroot, and snagree root. These plants are of course not approved by the FDA – (1).
Here are possible health risks if you take aristolochic acid supplements:
- Bladder cancer
- Renal pelvis and ureter cancers
- Kidney failure

Famously known as a “steroid hormone“, Androstenedione (4-androstene-3,17-dione,androstene) is used to help increase the production of testosterone hormone in men, estrogen hormone in women, and improve sexual arousal in both sexes and many others.
It is also used to help increase energy, maintaining healthy red blood cells, weight loss, muscle development and enhance athletic performance enhancement.
So you know why this supplement is quite so popular among athletes and dieters due to its impressive effects on physique and sexual performance enhancement – (2).
But androstenedione is banned by most sports association bodies and in some countries as is it proven to cause the following health problems:
- Prostate cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Liver damage
- Reduced HDL cholesterol level
- Heart diseases
Androstenedione is also known to cause sperm production reduction, shrunken testicles, painful or prolonged erection, excessive breast development, behavioral changes, depression, abnormal menstrual periods and many others.
Another plant-based chemical that is highly used to make medicinal drugs and supplements. It was first thought to help kill cancer cells, fungus and viruses.
Chaparral is also known as jarilla, larreastat, greasewood, creosote bush and larrea divaricata.
The FDA have advised the consuming public against the use of any products containing chaparral due to safety concerns.
Here are the potential health risks of taking chaparral:
- Abnormal liver function
- Serious poisoning
- Hepatitis
- Kidney damage
Chaparral can cause stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, fever, skin itching and rashes, and many others – (3).

Like other supplements in this list, comfrey has a old history as a medicinal plant.
People use this extract for stomach ulcers, heavy menstrual periods, diarrhea, blood urine, bronchitis, cancer, chest pain, gum disease, sore throat, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins and many others.
Though this plant extract has an enticing health effects, it contains poisonous chemicals that can be totally harmful for humans. It is called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) – (4).
Some of the proven side effects and health risks include:
- Death due to poisoning
- Abnormal liver function
- Lung Damage
- Cancer
- Skin damage

Sourced from piper methysticum, a plant native to western Pacific islands, Kava is known as a depressant drug as it slows down the messages travelling between the brain and the body.
But kava is much more known as a beverage, a social drink, used as a alcohol to promote relaxation – (5).
Unknown to many, this chemical is also known to cause the following health problems:
- Liver damage
- Blood pressure changes
- Heart beat irregularities
- Heart attack
- Jaundice
- Fatigue
- Dark urine
Germander is another medicinal plant that is also used as a supplement agent.
According to some reports, germander might be beneficial for preventing or even treating the following diseases – diarrhea, fever, gout, weight loss, stomach pain and gallbladder problems.
But contrary to beliefs, this lovely plant isn’t going to be soft on your health. It is even a banned plant extract in some countries.
Germander and all of its subspecies are scientifically proven to cause abnormal liver function – (6).
Dangerous Supplements
I categorized the following supplements as “dangerous” because they are not entirely proven to cause major side effects or diseases, but have shown adverse effects in studies.
Bitter Orange
You probably know this one for sure as bitter orange is one of the most widely used weight loss agent in the industry. And yes, it is quite known to cause side effects.
Bitter orange is also known as synephrine, citrus aurantium, Zhi Qiao, green orange, citrus vulgaris and many others.
This herbal extract has many chemicals that affects the nervous system, blood pressure and causes the heart to beat faster.
It is heavily used for weight loss, bodybuilding, energy boost, athletic performance, indigestion, brain function and many others.
This plant have been banned in some athletic organizations due to its similar effects to ephedra. Yes, bitter orange is a potent stimulant more powerful than caffeine, which is the reason why it is in demand as a supplement – (7).
Some of the dietary supplements that contains synephrine which I already featured here include PhenES, Fenatrim, Phena Lean and many others.
Taking bitter orange increases your risk of:
- Heart attack
- Stroke
- High blood pressure
- Headaches
- Migraine

A secluded plant that is only found in Northern US, lobelia have been used as both a herbal remedy and a medicinal drug.
People use this plant to combat asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough and for smoking withdrawal. However, these health claims lacks scientific evidence to support the said benefits – (8).
But taking this plant extract can increase your risk of the following diseases:
- Difficulty breathing
- Rapid heart rate
- Other serious respiratory issues
Adrenal Extract
Also known as “glandular extract“, adrenal extract is a chemical made from the adrenal glands of slaughtered animals such as pigs, sheep and cows.
Adrenal glands are known to product hormones, which is the reason why these extracts are used to make medicines and supplements.
People use these extracts for fighting stress, allergies, fatigues, depression, inflammation, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, drug and alcohol withdrawal and many others – (9).
So why do people take adrenal extract supplements? Because they believe that these extracts will work the same way as the body’s adrenal glands.
However, there are no concrete evidence that these extracts are beneficial for human body. But they are however, proven to cause major health diseases such as high risk of mad cow disease.
Another plant extract derived from the leaves of the mint genus “mentha pulegium” family, and is heavily used as a herbal remedy for various ailments.
Pennyroyal oil is the most abundant extract that are readily available in the market today, which can be found as fragrance agent for detergents, perfumes and soaps, insect repellants, and health supplements.
People use pennyroyal for treating colds, pneumonia, fatigue, indigestion, pain, stomach issues, flatulence and many others.
Though an enticing herbal extract, pennyroyal have thousands of studies suggesting its possible health risks (10). This include:
- Liver damage
- Kidney failure
- Nerve damage
- Convulsions
- Abdominal tenderness
- Reports of death (though not entirely linked to pennyroyal)
Also known as Hwanggum, Huang Qin, Wogon, Mad-Dog herb, quaker bonnet, helmet flower, hoodwort and many others. Scullcap is used to make medicinal drugs and supplements.
People use this herb for stroke, insomnia, paralysis caused by stroke, fever, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, rabies, epilepsy, allergies, skin infections, inflammation, spasms and many others.
The chemical agent in scullcaps are said to have the ability to prevent swelling and can cause sedation (drowsiness).
However, there are also reports of liver damage from taking scullcap extract supplements – (11).

Like bitter orange, yohimbe is another popular herbal extract that is commonly found in energy drinks, athletic performance pills, sexual enhancements and weight loss supplements.
This plant contains a chemical called yohimbine, which is known to cause hallucinogenic effects, blood flow increase and can elevate physical and sexual performance.
Even though clinically proven effective in various aspects of health, yohimbe is also a dangerous agent to take.
Some of the reported health risks for taking yohimbe includes:
- Irregular blood pressure changes
- Heart beat irregularities
- Heart attack have been reported
- Kidney failure
- Seizure
Yohimbe is also linked to depression, liver diseases, bleeding conditions, prostate issues, anxiety and many others – (12).
Here are the supplements that I reviewed here which contains yohimbe – Phenobestin 37.5, Phen Thin 375, and Atrafen Elite.
Bottom Line
That’s it! Those were the most infamous dietary supplements that you should avoid for life.
Every products that contain any one of the said extracts are also potentially dangerous for you, so be vigilant when shopping for your next supplement.
This site have various health supplements that may or may not contain the said extracts. Most of the time, I do give reminders that having yohimbe or bitter orange can be harmful for you.
Though my reviews are not just based on theories and reports, but also other factors such as customer reviews.
One such notable diet supplement that is perfectly safe and highly reliable as a weight loss aid is Phen Gold.
PhenGold doesn’t have any of the aforementioned extracts above, so you are in good hands with this supplement.
This product is a phentermine-alternative supplement that mimics the slimming power of Phentermine drug, but not its infamous adverse effects.
Click the link below and learn more why I highly recommend this brand for your weight loss program.
This weight loss product helped thousands of dieters lose weight naturally, effectively and fast. It contains more slimming agents compared to other brands. Learn why PhenGold is one of the best diet pills in the market today and why it’s perfect for your weight loss program.
- Natural slimming ingredients
- Elevates your energy and metabolism
- Reduces food cravings
- Helps you lose weight in key areas
- No side effects
- Money-back guarantee
Aristolochic Acids
by: Peter C. Hindmarsh, Kathy Geertsma
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Comfrey: A Clinical Overview
by: Christiane Staiger
by: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced by Injury (Germander)
by: Bethesda (MD)
Safety, Efficacy, and Mechanistic Studies Regarding Citrus Aurantium (Bitter Orange) Extract and p-Synephrine
by: Sidney J. Stohs
Observations on the Use of the Lobelia Inflata, in Asthma and other Spasmodic Diseases
by: John Andrew MD
Adrenal Fatigue Does Not Exist: A Systematic Review
by: Flavio A Cadegiani and Claudio E Kater
LiverTox: Clinical Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury
by: Bethesda MD National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
by: Michigan Medicine. University of Michigan
Yohimbe Supplements Found to be Dangerously Strong
by: Harvard Medical School
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