Do you have man boobs? If yes, you probably are too irritated by it due to the fact that it is making your physique undesirable to look act. Besides that, you feel it jiggle just by simply walking or doing a light jog.
If are really feeling that excess fat bouncing around your chest, then you need to do something to reverse your situation and start feeling good about your overall health.
In this short article, I will discuss some of the practical and easy ways to effectively eliminate man boobs, and make sure that it will never come back again!
What is Man Boobs?
There are a lot of myths and misinformation on the Internet about what man boobs are, its causes and what you can do to eliminate them for good.
First off, when you say “man boobs”, it is not necessarily mean that you have “gynecomastia“, but instead “pseudo gynecomastia“.
Gynecomastia is a type of swelling of breast tissue in men, which is commonly caused by high levels of male estrogen or less than normal levels of testosterone (1).
This condition are mostly experienced by teenage boys when they are going through puberty, developing “temporary” breast buds. But this condition only last a few months and the longest maybe a year or so, and goes away naturally.
But what is pseudo gynecomastia?
Pseudo gynecomastia is a condition in which male breast area has excessive adipose fat tissue – behind, around and under the nipples. Pseudo means “fake” or false, meaning that this condition is a serious problem for some men.
Basically, pseudo gynecomastia is caused by 100% imbalance hormone problem (2), just like those women who suffers from hormonal issues. When a man suffers from this condition, it is often called by many as “man boobs”.
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Incorrect Assumptions in Dealing with Man Boobs?
Again, many people or gurus on the Internet that will give you different advise or false information on how to deal with pseudo gynecomastia condition.
They say that you just need to exercise more and eat less which many people accepts because man boobs are caused by excess fat. And to get rid of fat is to stop eating fatty foods while burning body fat thru exercise.
But in reality, that is called starvation and it’s not a good thing health wise (3). No one can starve oneself to the point of degrading or even endangering his self just to reduce or eliminate man boobs.
Other experts suggests that you just need to eat healthy in a certain period of time. So what you do is to avoid fast food restaurants, fatty and junk foods, sweet beverages such as cola and unnatural fruit juices and many others.
But even though you are eating whole grains, fruits, veggies and lots of heart-friendly foods, man boobs just stay with you and never go away. Why? Because healthy eating will never work with pseudo gynecomastia.
Others will lure you to do some kind of exercise regimens like push ups and other special workout programs. Will these workouts help you to get rid of man boobs?
Nah, it will never help you get rid of man boobs but it will help get rid of your money by pushing you to enroll to their workout program.
What’s worse is that, doctors join in to basically get some share of the pie by saying that they can chop off that excess fat on your chest and magically eliminate man boobs.
Undergoing surgery to get rid of pseudo gynecomastia will lead to ugly scars not to mention the cost of surgery. Some get satisfactory result but not all as recurrence of chest fat has been reported (4).
The best way to eliminate man boobs for good is to address the root cause of this condition. If you know why you are getting chest fat, then you also have the knowledge how to deal with them!
Causes of Man Boobs
Yes the root cause of pseudo gynecomastia is mainly due to imbalance of hormones, but not necessarily due to testosterone and estrogen issues in men. There are other factors why men grow more chest fat.
The actual root cause of this condition is eating too much carbohydrate in your diet. This lead to chronic high blood sugar levels (5).
When this happen, one particular hormone in your body gets abnormally high and that is your insulin level.
And when your insulin level stays chronically high, they tend to upregulate aromatase. What is the role of aromatase you ask?
Well, it’s simple. Aromatase is the one responsible of converting testosterone into estrogen (6). Are you getting the point now?
This means, men with higher estrogen levels than testosterone have higher chances of fat accumulation specially in the female distribution area.
And where is that area maybe? Well, the chest area of course that’s why it is called man boobs in the first place.
So eating too many carbohydrates leads to high levels of hormone insulin which then affects the upregulation of your aromatase, which will finally causes your body to have high estrogen to testosterone ratio.
Another reason why man boobs affects some men is excessive drinking of alcohol (7). Why? Well, simply because too much alcohol affects your aromatase and gives you tons of carbohydrates.
Again, too much carbs leads to fat production which are stored inside the breasts. So too much alcohol mess up with your estrogen to testosterone ratio to get high abnormally.
Lastly, man boobs are produced due to some medications. Yes, some medications such as antiretroviral and antineoplastic drugs can result to man boobs (8).
How to Effectively Eliminate Man Boobs?
Now that you know the reasons why man boobs occur, it is quite easy to determine how you can deal with them effectively.
First if the right choice of diet! I am not advising you to just take any dieting plan out there and expect your chest fat to go away fast. You need to avoid foods that are high in sugar, carbohydrates and of course, alcohol beverages.
These foods will alter your aromatase, sugar and insulin levels which will eventually result to more estrogen production than testosterone. And you know what will happen next.
First thing to do is to take out all foods on your diet that contains sugar, whether they contain artificial or even those marketed as healthy sugar alternatives, avoid these products at all cost.
Next food groups that you need to avoid are grains such as rice, oat, wheat, corn and all other products that fall into this category. Why? Because inside the body, these foods are converted into sugar, and you already know what will happen next.
Starchy vegetables are also a no no. This include potatoes, peas, lentils, beans, chickpeas, any vegetables that grows under the ground.
Why? These vegetables are high in starch which are breakdown into sugar because of the amylase enzyme found in our mouth (9). So from the start you chew any of these vegetables, you are increasing your sugar levels.
Next thing to avoid are vegetable seed oils such as canola, peanut oil, olive, soy bean oil, safflower oil and many others. All these oils are synthetically made in factories which leads to insulin resistance, body inflammation and many others (10).
Another way to eliminate man boobs is to avoid using plastic products on your food. Foods and beverages in a plastic cup or container are very estrogenic. Yes, they release estrogenic chemicals (11)!
Medications are another reason why you probably have man boobs. So talking to your doctor is a good idea especially if you have doubts that the drugs you are taking are causing you to get man boobs.
I mentioned above that exercise might not be a good idea in eliminating gynecomastia. There is a caveat here because there is one particular workout that can help you get rid of man boobs and that is high intensity interval training.
Simply called as HIIT, this training regimen is composed of intensity workout which are clinically proven to raise testosterone hormone, and also growth hormone as well (12).
Of course, last thing to avoid is alcohol especially beer. While all types of alcohol beverages negatively affect your aromatase activity, beer is the worse type of alcohol that one can choose.
Why? Because beer is high in carbohydrates so you got to stop drinking beer everyday.
I hope you learned something from this post on how you can deal with man boobs or pseudo gynecomastia.
Remember, HIIT will just support your overall drive to eliminate man boobs, but it won’t be the sole answer for this condition. It will still be your food choices that really matters.
Of course, gynecomastia is common in men that are obese or overweight, so first thing to do to combat man boobs is to lessen or burn that fat away for good. And there’s one good product that I can recommend to help you lose weight fast.
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Gynecomastia Photos
Credit to Jessica Johnson
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