Phenduce RX is marketed as a “clinical dose” diet supplement which means that its formula is in the right amounts to provide slimming effects.
There are two reasons why this product is quite an intriguing supplement, one is that it uses the name “Phen” on its brand name, and second is its use of “RX”, which in medical terms means “to take“.
So in short, the makers of this brand wants you to “take” this pill to be able for you to start losing weight. But the question is, can this brand help you slim down fast?
Read on and learn more if Phenduce RX is truly plausible as your next weight loss supplement.

What is Phenduce RX?
Phenduce RX is a product of Kerl Pharma, though it is widely distributed online by Innovative Diet Labs. Sadly, Kerl Pharma doesn’t have its own official website.
I went to the website of Innovative Diet Labs but they don’t offer this product. But they do sell PhenterDrex, another Phentermine-based diet pill from Kerl Pharma.
As of this writing, you can purchase Phenduce RX exclusively at Amazon and other third party supplement retailers.
According to its Amazon sales page, this diet pill can help burn body fat, increase energy and metabolism, and suppress appetite. All of which are essential for fast weight loss.
Unfortunately, Phenduce RX doesn’t have customer reviews yet online, which could have been helpful for its reputation in the market.
The price of this product is also a bit expensive compared to other cheap supplements in the market such as Diet-Phen, PhenUltra, PhenElite, and PhenPhast Advanced.
With regards to refunds or money back guarantee, the makers of this brand offers 30-day money back guarantee.
Phenduce RX Ingredients
The proprietary blend of this product is dosed at 425mg per serving. Ingredients include caffeine, 4-hydroxyphenyl-2-butanone, phenethylamine HCl, Aphrodine HCI, and peppermint extract.
Other ingredients include microcrystalline cellulose, blue spheres and magnesium stearate.

How does Phenduce RX Work?
As mentioned above, this diet supplement offer key areas of weight loss, which makes this brand interesting.
Based on the formula above, the most notable agent is caffeine which is a stimulant. Other agents are also used for weight loss.
But can this brand truly deliver significant results for you? To answer this question, we need to analyze each of its ingredients and see if Phenduce RX is truly plausible as a weight loss aid.
As mentioned above, stimulant caffeine is probably the key agent of Phenduce RX for fat burning and metabolism increase.
Caffeine works by elevating both your physical and mental capacities as it directly affects your central nervous system.
This is the reason why caffeine is both used in nootropics and fitness products.
Combined with other supplements such as green tea, caffeine has been shown to effectively reduce body weight – NCBI.
Simply known as theobromine, a substance from which chocolate is made (cocoa or bitter chocolate).
This plant chemical is used to produce caffeine and make it a useful weight loss agent. But theobromine isn’t just beneficial for weight loss but for numerous health conditions as well.
This include treatment and prevention of heart diseases, inflammation disorders, memory loss, kidney and bladder problems, liver diseases and many others.
Theobromine is also packed with flavonoids, antioxidants that can help prevent chronic diseases such as cancers – NCBI.
More popularly known as raspberry ketone, this fruit has been in the fitness spotlight due to its alleged slimming effects.
According to some celebrity doctors, raspberry ketone can produce significant weight loss by burning body fat while promoting appetite reduction.
Based on some studies, raspberry ketones can help boost metabolism and highly affects adiponectin, a hormone that affects your body’s capacity to burn fat and control appetite.
Other notable health benefits of this fruit include treatment of alopecia (male pattern baldness), sore throat, skin rashes, heart disorders, stomach problems and many others – NCBI.
Phenethylamine HCI
Another potent stimulant in Phenduce RX formula, phenethylamine is used to help athletes significantly improve their athletic performance.
With its stimulating effects, phenethylamine can boost your energy and metabolism levels, which are essential if you want to lose weight fast.
This chemical is also beneficial for preventing brain-related disorders such as depression and many other psychiatric conditions.
So potent, it can also trigger similar adverse effects to amphetamine – WebMD.
Aphrodine HCI
More known as yohimbine hydrochloride than its medical name, this chemical is sourced from African evergreen tree called yohimbe.
Yohimbine is actually a prescription drug that helps increase blood flow and nerve impulses to the penis and vagina. In short, it can help improve sexual health.
As a stimulant, yohimbine can also help treat or prevent brain-related diseases such as depression, anxiety and focus.
People also use this herb for dry mouth, erectile dysfunction, exhaustion, diabetes complication, and many others.
While yohimbine is quite beneficial for your health, it is not recommended as a supplement due to its reported side effects – NCBI.
Another herb agent in Phenduce RX formula, peppermint is widely known to help reduce spasms in the digestive tract and helps relieve pain in various skin conditions.
People use peppermint for irritable bowel syndrome, upset stomach, diarrhea, cold, cough, sinus infections, vomiting, nausea, heartburn and many others.
For weight loss, peppermint has been heavily used due to its alleged capacity to increase exercise performance – NCBI.
My Take on Phenduce RX
There are several things that can entice you to try this weight loss supplement.
First, it is packed with known stimulants – yohimbe, caffeine, theobromine and phenethylamine, all of which can definitely boost your physical performance, metabolism and mental capacity.
With raspberry ketones and peppermint, you can also expect a reduction in your appetite and many other health benefits as well.
Though this product is yet to garner any reputable customer reviews online, the formula speaks for itself.
So if you want a stimulating and potent fat burner and metabolism booster, Phenduce RX might just fill those needs.
Things to Consider
While Phenduce RX might give you some measures of weight loss, you might still want to consider some things before you purchase this product.
First thing is its money back guarantee claim, which I believe is not possible as of this moment.
Why? Because this brand has no website, making it difficult for you on who’s going to contact in case you need refunds.
Phenduce RX is moderately priced compared to other diet supplements, which is good!
Another thing is the lack of customer testimonials. If you are truly interested in trying this product for your weight loss program, then I encourage you to share your experience with us by commenting below this post.
Lastly, the most worrying about this product is its stimulating formula.
Stimulants are beneficial to people who are trying to lose weight. But too much of it can also trigger adverse health effects.
Good thing about Phenduce RX is that, its formula doesn’t offer high amounts of caffeine making it a safer diet pill especially for people who are highly allergic to stimulants.
However, this product does have yohimbine, a proven unsafe agent that causes side effects.
To ensure a safe supplementation, consult your doctor first before you take Phenduce Rx.
So you might want to consider these facts before you intend to purchase one.
How does Phenduce RX Compare with other Phen Supplements?
Phenduce Rx is not a bad supplement, it truly can trigger some measures of weight loss due to its stimulating formula.
But there are other diet pills online that are both safe and proven for weight loss.
I suggest that you take PhenGold, one of our recommend supplements here.
Read our article here and learn why this product is the perfect weight loss supplement for you.
Phenduce Rx can help provide weight loss for you especially if you combine regular exercise and a sensible diet program.
This product has good price and offers money back guarantee (though I doubt this service).
But as I have mentioned above, there are several factors to consider before you decide to purchase this product.
PhenGold is a much more ideal supplement for you. Click the link below to learn more.
This weight loss product helped thousands of dieters lose weight naturally, effectively and fast. It contains more slimming agents compared to other brands. Learn why PhenGold is one of the best diet pills in the market today and why it’s perfect for your weight loss program.
- Natural slimming ingredients
- Elevates your energy and metabolism
- Reduces food cravings
- Helps you lose weight in key areas
- No side effects
- Money-back guarantee
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