Do you suffer from diabetes? Are you overweight or obese? If this sounds like you, then this page can help you overcome both!
Most people who suffer from this chronic disease are overweight and obese though some people may experience unintentional weight loss.
If you are not the latter and you want to reduce your risk of complications, then you need to successfully manage both.
Read on and learn how you can easily lose weight while managing your glucose levels.

Overview on Diabetes?
Diabetes is a serious health condition where you have too much blood glucose levels. There are two types of this disease – the Type 1 and Type 2, the later is the most prevalent and more serious.
There are variety of reasons why a person suffers from this disease. The most common reason is excessive consumption of sugar (glucose) found in sugary foods such as donuts, cakes, candies, commercial beverages and many others.
Though glucose gives us energy from carbohydrates that we eat, too much of intake of sugar leads to diabetes.
Other causes of this disease are aging, family history, physical inactivity, high blood pressure and being overweight or obese.
When you have too much glucose, your body releases the right amount of hormone called insulin, which regulates your sugar levels and keeps them into your cells.
For diabetics, this process doesn’t work.
Your body can’t produce enough insulin for Type 1 diabetes. On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes means that your body’s insulin production can’t work effectively to counter too much glucose, or your body just can’t produce enough hormone.
Symptoms and Complications
Too much glucose to your blood means numerous problems for you. Some of the most common symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, thirst feeling, fatigue, and infections such as thrush and slow wound healing.
If you are overweight or obese, you are likely to suffer from diabetes complications.
This include serious damage to eyes, heart, feet, internal organs such as kidneys, nerve problems, stroke, dental problems and many others.
Of course, with the right treatment and correct lifestyle, you can fight off these complications and live a healthy life. One way to do this is to reduce your consumption of glucose as too much sugary foods increases your risks.
Another important way to fight diabetes is to maintain a healthy weight. Lets learn first why weight loss is important for you.

Weight Loss Can Improve Your Health Drastically Even if You are Suffering from Diabetes
Aside from limiting your sugar intake, it is quite important to focus your battle with diabetes on reducing your weight, especially the excess fat around your waist.
Why focus on your middle? Because experts suggest that central adiposity is the greatest risk for both diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Evidence suggest that people with prediabetes or those newly diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, may be able to reverse their diabetes (remission or completely putting it off), if they were able to lose an average of 10 to 15 pounds (in most people).
Weight loss can effectively improve glucose tolerance to people with diabetes. This is quite important because the body will be able to use insulin more efficiently.
By losing weight, you can also significantly reduce your risk of diabetes complications such as eye diseases, nerve problems such as neuropathy, kidney failure, liver damage, high blood pressure, stroke and heart diseases.
But weight loss is easier said than done. Thousands or even millions of people have tried losing weight but they can’t achieve lasting weight loss.
Some even tried using Phentermine just to deal with diabetes. Some even undergone surgery to get rid of those excess belly fat!
But there are ways that you do without spending more and risking your health with prescription drugs and surgical procedures.
Here are some of the most practical ways to lose weight for diabetics.
Diabetes and Weight Loss Management
In order for you to achieve successful weight loss that lasts, you need to have the right mindset and health goals.
You need to assess every aspect of your diet that can help you lose weight, including exercise routines that you highly consider adding to your program.
Of course, like any other diet program, you need a healthy meal plan and regular physical activity to achieve lasting results. Only consider those that are realistic to you, things that you can easily accomplish.
Physical Activity Should be Your Priority
We all know that exercise can easily help you lose pounds of excess weight. A regular physical activity is a crucial part of your fight against both weight gain and diabetes.
According to a research by Center for Disease Control and Prevention, people who increase their physical activity in conjunction with reduced calorie intake, resulted to more body fat loss than those people who only diet.
Exercise isn’t just beneficial for diebetics, it also give numerous health benefits for your health.
So don’t make any excuse on your workout routines if you want to win against diabetes and weight gain. Here are some of the best exercises for weight loss that you can consider.
Proper Diet Program
Most diabetics recommend that you don’t skip breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast can only lead to overeating later in the day.
With regards to number of calories that you should cut back, it depends on several factors such as your age, gender, physical activity, body type and current weight.
If you have Type 2 diabetes, 1,200 to 2,000 calories per day is a reasonable goal. If you want to learn more about the exact number specific to your case, consult your doctor or dietitian.
Instead of feasting on high-calorie foods, choose high-fiber foods such as legumes, black beans, oats, chickpeas, salads and many others.
Fiber isn’t just good for your digestion and cardiovascular health, it also helps lower your blood sugar levels and of course, speed up weight loss.
What if you get hungry between meals? How to avoid adding meals or unwanted munching?
You can simply drink water, tea, or coffee will relieve you from hunger. A serving of fruit or fresh vegetables is also a great alternative to junk or processed foods.
To know more on how you can easily lose weight, read our short but detailed post here about the simplest ways to slim down.

Bottom Line
It is quite a hard endeavor fighting both diabetes and obesity, but there is also a big chance that you can still live a healthy life by following your doctor’s advise, healthy diet and regular exercise program.
If you are obese, your doctor may prescribe some medicines to help you lose weight but you still have to follow a sensible diet and exercise regularly.
Remember that diabetes won’t kill you, but its complications will. Millions of people died from this disease and you can avoid being one of them by just maintaining a healthy weight.
Instead of taking prescription drugs such as Duromine or Adipex-P, I suggest you take a safer approach by considering Phen-alternative diet supplements.
Phen-alternative supplements are more safer, cheaper and are equally effective compared to conventional weight loss drugs.
One such brand that I highly recommend is PhenGold, one of the bestselling and reputable Phen-alternative diet supplement in the market.
PhenGold is made of natural ingredients that are also beneficial for managing blood glucose levels.
To learn more about this product, click the link below and see why I highly promote this diet pill for your weight loss program.
Diabetes: The Basics
The Right Way to Lose Weight
by: Stephanie Watson
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
by: CDC
Dietary Fiber and Subsequent Changes in Body Weight and Waist Circumference in European Men and Women
by: Huaidong Du, Daphne L Van Der A, Hendrick C Boshuizen, Nita G Forouhi, Nicolas J Wareham, Jytte Halkjaer, Anne Tjonneland, Kim Overvad, Marianne Uhre JAkobsen, Heiner Boeing, Brian Buijsse, Giovanna Masala, Dominique Palli, Thorkild IA Sorensen, Wim HM Saris, and Edith JM Feskens
This weight loss product has helped thousands of dieters to lose weight naturally, effectively and fast. It contains more slimming agents compared to other brands. Learn why PhenGold is one of the best diet pills in the market today and why it’s perfect for your weight loss program.
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